明尼苏达州州长Walz拨款500万美元, 用于支持国家食品货架, Minnesota Governor Walz allocates $5M to support state food shelves hit by pandemic demand.
明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·瓦尔兹已经从《美国救援计划法》中拨款500万美元,用于支持全州的食品架子,解决由于这一流行病而增加的需求。 Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has allocated $5 million from the American Rescue Plan Act to support food shelves across the state, addressing increased demand due to the pandemic. 这笔资金由儿童、青年、家庭和家庭事务部及粮食小组管理,将有助于减轻紧急粮食系统的压力,支持部落国家以及美洲印第安人粮食主权受赠方。 The funding, managed by the Department of Children, Youth, and Families and The Food Group, will help alleviate strain on the emergency food system and support Tribal Nations and American Indian Food Sovereignty grantees.