埃斯康迪多男子在电线附近挂起圣诞灯时被电击致死. Escondido man dies after being electrocuted while putting up Christmas lights near power line.
一名24岁的Escondido男子Antonio Pascual在高压电线附近安装圣诞灯时被电死。 A 24-year-old Escondido man, Antonio Pascual, died after being electrocuted while putting up Christmas lights near a high-voltage power line. 据报告,Pascual在被电死后在医院中死亡时向线上投掷灯光。 Pascual was reportedly throwing lights over the line when he was electrocuted and later died in the hospital. 为了支持他的家人,设立了GoFundMe运动,筹集了7 000多美元。 A GoFundMe campaign has been set up to support his family, raising over $7,000.