17岁的男孩在拉各斯建筑工地与继父一起工作时被电死。 17-year-old boy electrocuted at Lagos construction site while working with his stepfather.
拉各斯州Alagbado建筑工地一名17岁的男孩被电死:一名17岁的男孩在拉各斯州Alagbado建筑工地与他的继父(一个焊工)一起工作时被电死。 17-year-old boy electrocuted in Lagos construction site: A 17-year-old boy was electrocuted while working with his stepfather, a welder, at a building construction site in Alagbado, Lagos State. 这名男孩的母亲报告了这一事件,说这名男孩从电线杆上粗心地踩上了一条连接电线。 The boy's mother reported the incident, stating that the boy stepped on a live wire connected carelessly from an electric pole. 继父被带来审问,警方正在进行调查。 The stepfather has been brought in for questioning, and the police investigation is ongoing.