中国从12月1日起对电信和互联网欺诈行为实行更严厉的处罚。 China enforces stricter penalties for telecom and internet fraud starting December 1st.
中国将从12月1日起对电信和互联网欺诈行为实施更严厉的处罚, China will enforce stricter penalties for telecom and internet fraud starting December 1st, targeting a surge in such crimes. 由多个国家机构发布的“联合处罚措施”包括18个条款,其中概述了确定罪犯的标准和相称处罚。 Issued by multiple state agencies, the "joint punishment measures" include 18 articles outlining criteria for identifying offenders and proportional punishments. 罪犯可能面临长达三年的金融、电信和信贷限制,累犯可能面临长达五年的处罚。 Offenders could face financial, telecom, and credit restrictions for up to three years, with repeat offenders possibly facing penalties up to five years.