美国计划削减英特尔的联邦芯片制造赠款 从85亿美元减少到80亿美元以下 US plans to cut Intel's federal chip manufacturing grant below $8 billion from $8.5 billion.
美国政府计划削减英特尔联邦对芯片制造的赠款, 由85亿美元降至80亿美元以下。 The US government plans to cut Intel's federal grant for chip manufacturing from $8.5 billion to below $8 billion, according to reports. 这一削减是在努力管理联邦支出,并可能解决半导体行业资金分配问题的过程中进行的。 The reduction comes amid efforts to manage federal spending and possibly address concerns over the allocation of funds in the semiconductor industry.