阿肯色州警方在圣诞夜交通站从一辆卡车上截获了250磅大麻。 Arkansas police seized 250 pounds of marijuana from a truck during a Christmas Eve traffic stop.
阿肯色州警察在Lonoke县附近圣诞夜的一个交通站从一辆小卡车上截获了近250磅大麻。 Arkansas State Police seized nearly 250 pounds of marijuana from a pickup truck during a traffic stop on Christmas Eve near Lonoke County. 司机53岁的俄克拉何马州Xiong Ren被逮捕,被控拥有意图将他人财产交付和未经授权使用他人财产实施犯罪。 The driver, 53-year-old Xiong Ren from Oklahoma, was arrested and charged with possession with intent to deliver and unauthorized use of another's property for a crime. Ren声称他正要去威斯康辛度假 Ren claimed he was heading to Wisconsin for the holiday.