阿联酋逮捕了3名涉嫌谋杀以色列 -- -- 摩尔多瓦拉比的嫌疑人,该拉比被以色列认为是反犹太恐怖主义。 UAE arrests three suspects in the murder of an Israeli-Moldovan rabbi, deemed anti-Semitic terrorism by Israel.
阿拉伯联合酋长国逮捕了与谋杀一名以色列-摩尔多瓦拉比有关的3名嫌疑人,该拉比的尸体在该国被发现。 The United Arab Emirates has arrested three suspects in connection with the murder of an Israeli-Moldovan rabbi, whose body was found in the country. 以色列将这一行为称为反犹太恐怖主义,而阿联酋没有提供关于嫌疑犯或谋杀案性质的进一步详情。 Israel has labeled the act as anti-Semitic terrorism, while the UAE has not provided further details about the suspects or the nature of the murder. 这起事件标志着在阿联酋首次已知的杀害一名以色列人事件。 This incident marks the first known killing of an Israeli in the UAE.