Rabobank警告Trump潜在的总统地位可能会因关税和通货膨胀而伤害Aus和NZ农业。 Rabobank warns Trump's potential presidency could harm Aus and NZ agriculture due to tariffs and inflation.
Rabobank警告说,Donald Trump可能重返白宫可能对澳大利亚和新西兰的农业产生负面影响。 Rabobank warns that Donald Trump's potential return to the White House could negatively impact Australian and New Zealand agriculture. 银行预测,提高美国关税和较高的通货膨胀会减缓全球经济增长。 The bank predicts that increased US tariffs and higher inflation could slow global economic growth. 美元坚挺可能刺激谷物、奶制品和牛肉的出口,而提高关税则可能减少亚洲市场的需求。 While a stronger US dollar may boost exports of grain, dairy, and beef, increased tariffs could reduce demand from Asian markets. 报告建议澳大利亚和新西兰农业企业使产品和市场多样化,以适应这些变化。 The report advises Australian and New Zealand agribusinesses to diversify products and markets to navigate these changes.