Planit建设在新西兰建筑商大师比赛中赢得年度最高大厦。 Planit Construction wins Supreme House of the Year in New Zealand's Master Builders competition.
2024 年新西兰年度建筑大师住宅将 Planit Construction 评为年度最高住宅,总投资超过 100 万美元,这是一项罕见的成就,获得了 12 个质量分数。 The 2024 Master Builders House of the Year in New Zealand named Planit Construction as the Supreme House of the Year over $1 million, marking a rare achievement with 12 quality marks. David Reid Homes(Kapiti)以100万美元以下的自然休养胜出,Velvin Building为皇后镇的一家住宅获得年度最高翻修奖。 David Reid Homes (Kapiti) won for a nature retreat under $1 million, and Velvin Building took the Supreme Renovation of the Year award for a Queenstown home. 这一竞赛在34年中突出显示了住宅建设的卓越表现。 The competition, in its 34th year, highlights excellence in residential construction.