9 月 8 日:尽管面临经济挑战,新西兰最大的家居盛会奥克兰家居展仍带着 500 家参展商回归。 8th September: New Zealand's largest home event, Auckland Home Show, returns with 500 exhibitors, despite economic challenges.
9 月 8 日,新西兰最大的家居盛会将在奥克兰展览中心重磅回归,克服经济挑战,以 500 家参展商和 40 多年的成功经验参展。 8th September at Auckland Showgrounds, New Zealand's largest home event returns, defying economic challenges with 500 exhibitors and 40+ years of success. 奥克兰家居展提供创新、翻新和灵感,让参观者可以看到成千上万的产品,与专家互动,并获得安装建议。 The Auckland Home Show offers innovation, renovation, and inspiration, allowing visitors to see thousands of products, interact with experts, and gain advice on installation. 尽管目前经济不景气,展会主办方新西兰展览与活动部预计,此次展会的门票将销售一空。 Despite current recession, show organiser Exhibitions and Events NZ anticipates a sell-out event.