第45届新西兰Hirepool建筑卓越奖授予新西兰杰出的民用基础设施项目。 45th Civil Contractors New Zealand Hirepool Construction Excellence Awards honored outstanding civil infrastructure projects in New Zealand.
第 45 届新西兰土木承包商 Hirepool 建筑卓越奖表彰了新西兰的民用基础设施项目,表彰了 Manganui 峡谷大桥、Landing Road 环形交叉路口重建、66kv 电力线安装、25a 国道 Taparahi 滑坡修复和奥克兰附近的高速公路项目。 45th Civil Contractors New Zealand Hirepool Construction Excellence Awards celebrated New Zealand's civil infrastructure projects, recognizing the Manganui Gorge Bridge, Landing Road Roundabout reconstruction, 66kv electricity line installation, State Highway 25a Taparahi Slip Remediation and a motorway project near Auckland. 奖项突出了建筑业内部的协作、创新和决心。 Awards highlighted collaboration, innovation, and determination within the construction industry.