日本在发现城镇供水量高后,开始对全氟辛烷磺酰氟暴露情况进行血液测试。 Japan begins blood tests for PFAS exposure after finding high levels in town water supplies.
日本的Kibichuo镇在发现当地供水中的这些化学品含量极高之后,首次启动了由公共资助的PFAS的血液测试。 Japan's Kibichuo Town launched the country's first publicly funded blood tests for PFAS after detecting extremely high levels of these chemicals in local water supplies. 约有790名居民和2岁及以上工人可参加测试,预计到2025年1月将获得结果。 The tests are available to around 790 residents and workers aged two and older, with results expected by January 2025. 在非炉灶等产品中发现的PFAS与出生体重丧失和免疫力降低有关,尽管有关癌症联系的证据有限。 PFAS, found in products like non-stick cookware, have been linked to birthweight loss and reduced immunity, though evidence for cancer links is limited.