Jaipur警察逮捕了17名非法居留的孟加拉国国民,另有6人在Karnataka被捕。 Jaipur police arrested 17 Bangladeshi nationals for illegal residence, with six more caught in Karnataka.
Jaipur警察在接到举报后逮捕了11名孟加拉国国民,因为他们在无适当证件的情况下非法在该地区生活。 Jaipur police arrested 11 Bangladeshi nationals for living illegally in the area without proper documentation, following a tip-off. 孟加拉国行政当局已接到通知,并继续努力防止进一步的非法定居。 The Bangladeshi administration has been notified, and efforts continue to prevent further illegal settlements. 在另一起事件中,6名孟加拉国国民也因非法渗入卡纳塔克省被捕。 In a separate incident, six Bangladeshi nationals were also apprehended for illegal infiltration in Karnataka.