金鹰斯帕基成为首个已知在苏格兰被风力涡轮机炸死的同类人。 Golden eagle Sparky became the first of its kind known to be killed by a wind turbine in Scotland.
一只名叫斯帕基的金鹰在苏格兰的Dumfries和Galloway被风力涡轮机炸死,这是记录的第一个此类事件。 A golden eagle named Sparky was killed by a wind turbine in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, marking the first recorded incident of its kind. 苏格兰南部金鹰项目一直通过卫星标记监测斯巴基,该项目证实这只鸟因典型的风力涡轮机打击造成的伤害而死亡。 The South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project, which had been monitoring Sparky via satellite tagging, confirmed the bird died from injuries typical of a wind turbine strike. 该项目旨在增加金鹰人口,强调在选择风力农场以保护这些鸟类时需要认真考虑。 The project, which aims to boost the golden eagle population, underscores the need for careful consideration in siting wind farms to protect these birds.