苏市警方在格林维尔地区搜查了三小时后逮捕了一名枪击嫌疑人. Sioux City Police arrested a shooting suspect after a three-hour search in the Greenville neighborhood.
苏市警方在格林维尔地区搜查了三小时后逮捕了一名武装嫌疑人. Sioux City Police arrested an armed suspect after a three-hour search in the Greenville neighborhood. 当嫌疑人威胁一名妇女并向警察开枪时,情况就开始了。 The situation began when the suspect threatened a woman and fired shots at police. 签发了一项就地收容所令,但后来又解除,因为没有持续的威胁。 A shelter-in-place order was issued but later lifted as there was no ongoing threat. 发现受伤并被送往医院的嫌疑人身份不明。 The suspect, who was found injured and taken to a hospital, has not been identified. 在这次事件中,没有关于公众受伤的报告。 No injuries to the public were reported during the incident.