法院在涉及大规模强奸指控的法国审判中进入判刑阶段。 Court moves to sentencing phase in a French trial involving charges of mass rape.
在涉及大规模强奸指控的法国审判中,法院已进入量刑阶段。 The court has moved to the sentencing phase in a French trial involving charges of mass rape. 审判已引起极大注意,审判结束了举证阶段,现在将决定对被定罪者的判决。 The trial, which has garnered significant attention, concluded its evidentiary phase and will now determine the sentences for the convicted individuals. 简要报告没有具体说明罪行的细节以及受害者和被告的身份。 Details of the offenses and the identities of the victims and accused are not specified in the brief report.