在一个涉及大规模强奸指控的案件中,法国男子因强奸其前妻被判处20年徒刑。 French man sentenced to 20 years for raping his ex-wife in a case involving mass rape charges.
一名法国男子因强奸前妻被判处20年徒刑。 A French man has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for the rape of his ex-wife. 本案是涉及大规模强奸指控的一系列指控的一部分。 The case was part of a series of charges involving mass rape allegations. 犯罪人,现为前夫,被判定有罪,并将服长期徒刑。 The perpetrator, now ex-husband, was found guilty and will serve the lengthy sentence.