津巴布韦在气候变化影响中与影响数百万人的粮食和能源危机作斗争。 Zimbabwe struggles with food and energy crises, affecting millions, amid climate change impacts.
津巴布韦尽管排放低,却受到气候变化的沉重打击,面临严重的挑战,如影响770多万人的粮食无保障,以及Kariba水坝水位低导致的能源危机。 Zimbabwe, hit hard by climate change despite low emissions, faces severe challenges like food insecurity affecting over 7.7 million people and an energy crisis due to low water levels at Kariba Dam. 最近的全球承诺旨在促进气候融资,但津巴布韦在使用这些资金时需要更高的透明度和问责制。 Recent global commitments aim to boost climate finance, but Zimbabwe needs better transparency and accountability in using these funds. 优先事项包括改善供水、解决营养不良问题和向低收入家庭提供现金支助。 Priorities include improving water access, fighting malnutrition, and providing cash support to low-income families.