荷兰通过基础设施项目和技术援助为津巴布韦的水危机提供资金和支持。 Netherlands funds and supports Zimbabwe's water crisis with infrastructure projects and technical assistance.
荷兰积极支持津巴布韦的水危机,为哈拉雷、布拉瓦约、马斯温戈和穆塔雷等城市的长期基础设施项目提供资金和技术援助。 The Netherlands is actively supporting Zimbabwe's water crisis by funding and providing technical assistance for long-term infrastructure projects in cities like Harare, Bulawayo, Masvingo, and Mutare. 荷兰大使 Margret Verwijk 在 Wetskills Foundation 活动中强调了这一举措,研究人员在活动中探索了布拉瓦约严重缺水的解决方案。 Dutch Ambassador Margret Verwijk highlighted this initiative during a Wetskills Foundation event, where researchers explored solutions for Bulawayo's severe water shortages. 支助包括灌溉计划和与当地组织合作,以加强节水努力。 The support includes irrigation schemes and collaboration with local organizations to enhance water conservation efforts.