美国为20个国家发布“不要旅行”警告, 因为有动乱、犯罪和健康问题的风险。 U.S. issues "Do Not Travel" warning for 20 countries due to risks of unrest, crime, and health issues.
美国政府为20个国家发布了“不要旅行”警告(4级), 建议伊利诺伊州居民避免因内乱、犯罪和健康问题等风险而旅行。 The U.S. Government has issued a "Do Not Travel" warning, Level 4, for 20 countries, advising Illinois residents against travel due to risks such as civil unrest, crime, and health issues. 阿富汗、伊拉克、索马里和也门等国家也包括在内。 Countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Yemen are included. 前往这些目的地的航班有限,主要是为疏散目的。 Flights to these destinations are limited, mostly for evacuation purposes. 美国国务院建议,为了更安全的旅行规划,监测其他旅行建议。 The U.S. Department of State recommends monitoring other travel advisories for safer trip planning.