Scranton-to-NYC铁路项目,由联邦资金供资,有望促进经济,并可能动摇政治支持。 Scranton-to-NYC rail project, funded with federal money, promises economic boost and could sway political support.
Scranton至纽约市客运铁路项目由联邦供资900万美元,每年可促进当地经济8 400万美元,为473 000多名乘客提供服务。 The Scranton-to-NYC passenger rail project, funded with $9 million from federal sources, could boost local economy by $84 million annually and serve over 473,000 passengers. 尽管一些共和党人反对基础设施法案,但支持这类项目可以使GOP受益。 Despite some Republican opposition to the infrastructure bill, supporting such projects could benefit the GOP. 该项目旨在振兴该地区,并可能获得宾夕法尼亚州民主领导人的支持。 The project aims to revitalize the area and could garner support from Pennsylvania's Democratic leaders.