凯文·瑞安 (Kevin Ryan) 有 31 次前科,因在爱尔兰因药物引起的车祸而被判处 8 个月监禁。 Kevin Ryan, with 31 prior convictions, sentenced to 8 months for a drug-induced crash in Ireland.
凯文·瑞安 (Kevin Ryan) 是一名 34 岁的男子,有 31 次前科,他在爱尔兰蒙特梅利克 (Mountmellick) 醉酒后撞毁了他的汽车,可卡因是法定限制的十倍以上,而且没有有效的执照或保险。 Kevin Ryan, a 34-year-old with 31 prior convictions, crashed his car in Mountmellick, Ireland, while intoxicated on cocaine, over ten times the legal limit, and without a valid license or insurance. 法官安德鲁·科迪 (Andrew Cody) 判处他八个月监禁,称他为“对社会的威胁”。 Judge Andrew Cody sentenced him to eight months in prison, describing him as "a menace to society." 瑞安目前正在接受药物治疗计划,他必须提供 2,000 欧元的担保,以确保他不会再次开车。 Ryan, currently in a drug treatment program, must provide a €2,000 guarantee to ensure he does not drive again.