Pinehouse Lake向斯堪的纳维亚出售的 tullibee鱼刺激当地经济, 但引发过度捕捞问题。 Pinehouse Lake's tullibee fish sales to Scandinavia boost local economy but spark overfishing concerns.
萨斯喀彻温Pinehouse湖的渔业社区通过向斯堪的纳维亚出售鱼作为鱼子酱,获得了经济利益。 The fishing community in Pinehouse Lake, Saskatchewan, has gained economic benefits by selling tullibee fish to Scandinavia for caviar. 但是,人们对过度捕捞及其对当地生态系统的影响提出了关切。 However, concerns about overfishing and its impact on the local ecosystem have been raised. Clarence Natomagan,前联邦雇员,呼吁研究Tullibee种群及其对其他鱼类的影响。 Clarence Natomagan, a former federal employee, calls for studies on the tullibee population and its effects on other fish. 省政府说,它正在监测情况。 The provincial government says it is monitoring the situation.