First Nation 与加拿大合作建立鲑鱼孵化场,以恢复不列颠哥伦比亚省的鱼类种群。 First Nation partners with Canada to build salmon hatchery to restore fish populations in British Columbia.
不列颠哥伦比亚省Tsilhqot'in国家政府正与加拿大联邦渔业部合作,建立一个永久性的鲑鱼保护孵化厂。 The Tsilhqot'in National Government in British Columbia is partnering with Canada's federal Fisheries Department to build a permanent salmon conservation hatchery. 该孵化厂由第一民族管理,旨在重建奇尔科廷、奇尔科和塔塞科河的鲑鱼种群,这些河流的鱼类回报率下降。 Managed by the First Nation, the hatchery aims to rebuild salmon populations in the Chilcotin, Chilko, and Taseko rivers, which have seen declining fish returns. 该项目希望支持传统捕鱼做法,并应对最近阻挡奇尔科廷河的山崩等挑战。 The project hopes to support traditional fishing practices and address challenges like a recent landslide that blocked the Chilcotin River.