印度安全部队拆除了在Baramulla的好战藏身处,并没收了与毒品有关的资产。 Indian security forces dismantle militant hideout and seize drug-linked assets in Baramulla.
查谟和克什米尔巴拉穆拉的安全部队根据可信的线索拆除了好战分子藏身之处并收缴了武器弹药。 Security forces in Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir, have dismantled a militant hideout and recovered arms and ammunition, based on credible leads. 这项行动的目的是防止潜在的暴力事件,维护区域和平。 This operation aims to prevent potential violent incidents and maintain regional peace. 在另一项行动中,Baramulla警方根据《麻醉药品和精神药物法》没收了与毒品贩子Rafiq Ahmad Khan有关的价值1.72千瓦的财产。 In another action, Baramulla police seized properties worth ₹1.72 crore linked to drug peddler Rafiq Ahmad Khan, under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act.