印度安全部队在查谟和克什米尔进行了搜查,发现并摧毁了恐怖藏身之处,并扣押了毒贩的资产。 Indian security forces conducted searches in Jammu and Kashmir, finding and destroying a terror hideout and seizing drug dealer's assets.
查谟和克什米尔安全部队在接到疑似爆炸物的报告后,于星期日在Sidhra进行了一次搜查行动。 Security forces in Jammu and Kashmir conducted a search operation in Sidhra on Sunday after reports of suspected explosives. 此前,星期六在Baramulla区Kunzer开展联合行动,发现并摧毁了恐怖藏身之处,收缴了武器弹药。 Previously, a joint operation on Saturday in Kunzer, Baramulla district, led to the discovery and destruction of a terror hideout, with arms and ammunition recovered. 此外,Baramulla警察根据1985年《国民民主党法》没收了一名贩毒小贩Rafiq Ahmad Khan的财产,价值1.72卢比。 Additionally, Baramulla Police seized properties worth Rs 1.72 crore from a drug peddler, Rafiq Ahmad Khan, under the NDPS Act of 1985.