一名18岁的保姆因在阿德莱德照料的一名3岁儿童严重受伤被捕。 An 18-year-old babysitter was arrested for severely injuring a 3-year-old in her care in Adelaide.
在澳大利亚阿德莱德,发现一名3岁男孩严重受伤,包括烧伤、面部创伤和脊椎损伤后,一名18岁的保姆被捕。 An 18-year-old babysitter was arrested after a 3-year-old boy was found with severe injuries, including burns, facial trauma, and spinal damage, in Adelaide, Australia. 该儿童在住院治疗后正在恢复。 The child is recovering after hospital treatment. 该家庭认识的保姆被指控犯有严重伤害和刑事疏忽罪。 The babysitter, known to the family, was charged with aggravated harm and criminal neglect. 警方正在调查其他居民是否参与了先前的虐待行为。 Police are investigating if other residents were involved in prior abuse. 两个儿童现在都受到儿童保护。 Both children are now under child protection.