因一名4个月大的男孩死亡而被捕的保姆在儿童保育中心无人监测。 Babysitter arrested for the death of a four-month-old boy left unmonitored at childcare center.
1月3日,一名4个月大的男孩死亡,她30多岁的儿童保育中心保姆被逮捕。 A childcare center babysitter in her 30s has been arrested for the death of a four-month-old boy on January 3. 在警方记录她的陈述后,她获得保释。 She was released on bail after police recorded her statement. 初步调查表明,保姆让男孩长时间未受到监测。 Initial investigation suggests the babysitter left the boy unmonitored for a long period. 儿童保育中心被命令关闭,案件正等待副检察官采取进一步行动。 The childcare center was ordered to close, and the case awaits further action from the Deputy Public Prosecutor.