康沃尔海岸外的视频引发了对海豚附近看到的大型鳍的争论, 很可能是虎鲸或鲸鱼。 Video off Cornwall coast sparks debate over large fin seen near dolphins, possibly a killer whale or whale.
Bluefin Charters 在康沃尔郡海岸拍摄的一段视频显示,一只大鳍在一群海豚附近划破水面,引发了社交媒体上的争论。 A video filmed off Cornwall's coast by Bluefin Charters shows a large fin slicing through the water near a pod of dolphins, sparking social media debate. 推测范围从虎鲸到锤头鲨鱼, 但有些人认为这可能只是该地区常见的鳍鲸。 Speculations range from a killer whale to a hammerhead shark, but some suggest it could just be a common fin whale in the area. 这段影片引发了重要的在线讨论, 并引起人们对生物大小与身份的担忧。 The footage has generated significant online discussion and concern about the size and identity of the creature.