康沃尔郡的英国潜水员海洋生物救援队从浅水湾泥浆中救出了一只搁浅的健康海豚,并将其成功放回公海。 Cornwall's British Divers Marine Life Rescue team rescued a stranded, healthy dolphin from shallow inlet mud, returning it successfully to the open sea.
一只搁浅在康沃尔郡浅水湾的海豚被英国潜水员海洋生物救援队救起。 A dolphin, stranded in a shallow inlet in Cornwall, was rescued by a team from the British Divers Marine Life Rescue. 最初,研究小组正在观察这只动物,但当它搁浅在泥里时,不得不把它带上岸。 Initially, the team was observing the animal but had to bring it ashore when it stranded in the mud. 兽医宣布这只 6.6 英尺长的雌性海豚健康,在当地居民的帮助下,研究小组将她放在船上的冲浪板上和垫子上,然后将她带到公海。 The 6.6ft female dolphin was declared healthy by vets and with the help of a local resident, the team placed her on a surfboard and a mat on his boat before taking her out to the open sea. 海豚很快被放回海中,并且游动能力很强。 The dolphin was quickly released back into the ocean and appeared to swim strongly.