联合王国寻求高薪欧盟谈判代表,在当事方争端中领导Brexit后重置。 UK seeks high-paid EU negotiator to lead post-Brexit reset, amid party disputes.
英国政府正在寻求一名欧盟高级别谈判代表,其工资在153,000至200,000英镑之间,以领导英国与欧洲联盟关系的“重置”。 The UK government is seeking a high-level EU negotiator, with a salary between £153,000 and £200,000, to lead the "reset" of its relationship with the European Union. 这一作用将就有关欧盟的事项向总理和欧盟关系部长提供咨询意见,并将监督在2025年延长英国-欧盟贸易和合作协定的谈判。 This role will advise the Prime Minister and the minister for EU relations on matters concerning the EU and will oversee negotiations for the renewal of the UK-EU Trade and Co-operation Agreement in 2025. 这一立场受到保守党的批评,认为它破坏了Brexit,但劳工局坚持其作用是改善贸易和安全联系,同时又不损害主权。 The position has faced criticism from the Conservative party, which argues it undermines Brexit, but Labour insists the role aims to improve trade and security ties without compromising sovereignty.