英国的Ed Davey呼吁重新加入欧盟关税同盟,以加强对特朗普的美国的经济和贸易立场。 UK's Ed Davey calls for rejoining EU customs union to strengthen economy and trade stance against Trump's US.
自由民主党领袖达维(Ed Davey)敦促英国重新加入欧盟关税同盟, 以刺激经济, 在特朗普总统领导下加强与美国的谈判。 Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey urges the UK to rejoin the EU customs union to boost the economy and strengthen negotiations with the US under President Trump. 戴维认为, 这一举动将使英国"从强势地位"走出, 批评保守党寻求与美国达成更弱的贸易协议. Davey argues this move would position the UK "from a position of strength," criticizing the Conservative party for seeking a weaker trade deal with the US. 该提案旨在保护联合王国免受美国新政府下的潜在贸易关税和经济动荡的影响。 The proposal aims to protect the UK from potential trade tariffs and economic turbulence under the new US administration.