英国劳工政府优先与印度和海湾国家达成自由贸易协议。 UK's Labour government prioritizes securing free trade deals with India and Gulf nations.
联合王国商务大臣强调,确保与印度和海湾国家自由贸易是劳工政府的最高优先事项。 The UK's business minister has emphasized that securing free trade deals with India and Gulf nations is a top priority for the Labour government. 与海湾合作委员会的会谈将很快恢复,而与印度的谈判正在进行之中。 Talks with the Gulf Cooperation Council are set to resume soon, while negotiations with India are ongoing. 尽管作出了不言而喻的承诺,但只有几项交易,包括与澳大利亚、新西兰和新加坡的交易,最终敲定。 Despite Brexit promises, only a few deals, including those with Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore, have been finalized. 政府认为这些协定对于经济和外交成功至关重要。 The government views these agreements as vital for economic and diplomatic success.