路透社揭露了 OnlyFans 的滥用行为,揭露了女性被欺骗成为色情片制作对象的性奴隶。 Reuters uncovers OnlyFans misuse, revealing women deceived into sexual slavery for porn production.
路透社的调查显示,女性被欺骗和奴役,为 OnlyFans 制作色情片,OnlyFans 是一个旨在通过露骨内容安全货币化的平台。 Reuters' investigation reveals that women are being deceived and enslaved to produce porn for OnlyFans, a platform meant to safely monetize explicit content. 根据警察投诉、法院档案和访谈,一些妇女在安静的社区面临数周或数月的性奴役。 Based on police complaints, court files, and interviews, some women faced weeks or months of sexual slavery in quiet communities. 只有Fans的订阅费使起诉复杂化,而受创伤的受害者往往不愿意作证。 OnlyFans' subscription paywall complicates prosecution, while traumatized victims often hesitate to testify.