警方调查了一起致命枪击事件,随后在堪萨斯州梅里亚姆的一家宜家附近发生了一起车祸。 Police investigate a fatal shooting followed by a crash in Merriam, Kansas, near an Ikea.
堪萨斯州梅里安的警察正在调查星期五上午在宜家附近发生的一起致命枪击事件和随后的车祸。 Police in Merriam, Kansas, are investigating a fatal shooting and subsequent car crash that occurred near Ikea on Friday morning. 应急服务最初被叫到一个建筑工地,但发现一个司机在北部几个街区的坠毁现场有致命的枪伤。 Emergency services were initially called to a construction site but found a driver with fatal gunshot wounds at a crash site a few blocks north. 虽然已查明所有涉案人员的身份,但随着调查的继续,没有公布任何嫌疑人的姓名。 Though all individuals involved have been identified, no suspects' names have been released as the investigation continues.