在温哥华岛Metchosin附近坠毁的汽车中,发现有人被枪伤,伤势严重。 Man found critically injured with gunshot wounds in crashed car near Metchosin, Vancouver Island.
周一凌晨,温哥华岛 Metchosin 警方在一辆坠毁的 2002 年现代雅绅特中发现了一名 40 岁的男子,他身上有多处枪伤。 Police in Metchosin, Vancouver Island, found a 40-year-old man with multiple gunshot wounds in a crashed 2002 Hyundai Accent early Monday morning. 这名司机被带往医院,伤势危及生命,据信在坠机前在另一地点遭到枪击。 The driver, taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, is believed to have been shot at another location before the crash. 尽管没有逮捕任何人,但调查人员认为这一事件是孤立的,不是对公共安全的威胁。 Though no arrests have been made, investigators consider the incident isolated and not a threat to public safety. 当局正在寻找午夜至凌晨4点之间 从袋鼠路传来的证人和破片镜头 Authorities are seeking witnesses and dash-camera footage from Kangaroo Road between midnight and 4 a.m.