野生生物社会抚养和释放的孤儿灰熊幼崽在不列颠哥伦比亚省荒野中蓬勃发展。 Orphaned grizzly cubs, reared and released by a wildlife society, are thriving in British Columbia's wild.
在不列颠哥伦比亚省,北极光野生动物协会的灰熊重新摇动项目已经达到一个里程碑。 The Northern Lights Wildlife Society's grizzly bear rewilding project in British Columbia has reached a milestone. 两个孤儿,Isa和Arthur, 在母亲死于车祸后 于2021年被释放到野外, 正在蓬勃发展。 Two orphaned cubs, Isa and Arthur, released into the wild in 2021 after their mother was killed in a car accident, are thriving. 社会接纳并照顾幼崽,然后释放它们来帮助保护物种。 The society took in and cared for the cubs before releasing them to help conserve the species.