Norman Adkins在电脑上发现虐待儿童材料后,因拉皮条而面临26项涉及未成年人的淫秽指控。 Norman Adkins faces 26 charges for pandering obscenity involving a minor after child abuse material was found on his computer.
52岁的诺曼·阿德金斯(Norman Adkins)来自俄亥俄州迈阿密斯堡,在其电脑上发现儿童性虐待材料后,面临26项涉及未成年人的拉皮条淫秽指控。 Norman Adkins, 52, from Miamisburg, Ohio, faces 26 charges of pandering obscenity involving a minor after child sexual abuse material was found on his computer. 该案是在因特网侵害儿童犯罪工作队向迈阿密斯堡警察局移交案件后开始审理的。 The case was initiated following a referral from the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force to the Miamisburg Police Department. Adkins定于12月5日被传讯,目前尚未羁押。 Adkins is scheduled for arraignment on December 5 and is not currently in custody.