46 岁的奥佩利卡男子梅森·查德威克·摩根 (Mason Chadwick Morgan) 因儿童色情指控在一周内两次被捕,共计被指控 11 项罪名并被拘留。 46-year-old Opelika man, Mason Chadwick Morgan, was arrested twice in one week for child pornography charges, leading to 11 total counts and detention.
46 岁的奥佩利卡男子梅森·查德威克·摩根 (Mason Chadwick Morgan) 因儿童色情指控在一周内被捕两次。 46-year-old Opelika man, Mason Chadwick Morgan, was arrested twice in one week for child pornography charges. 警方对他位于阿拉巴马州 51 号公路的住所执行了搜查令,最初指控他三项持有毒品罪。 Authorities executed a search warrant at his residence on Alabama Highway 51, leading to initial charges of 3 counts of possession. 进一步的调查发现了更多虐待儿童的材料,摩根被指控另外 8 项罪名。 Further investigation revealed more child abuse material, and Morgan was charged with 8 additional counts. 目前,其被羁押于李县看守所。 He is now being held in the Lee County Detention Center. 该案件源于阿拉巴马州儿童网络犯罪特别工作组的网络举报。 The case originated from a cyber tip from the Alabama Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce.