洛杉矶道奇队任命克里斯·伍德沃德 担任新的一垒教练 取代克莱顿·麦卡洛 Los Angeles Dodgers appoint Chris Woodward as new first base coach, replacing Clayton McCullough.
洛杉矶道奇队已任命克里斯·伍德沃德 担任他们的新一垒教练 取代克莱顿·麦卡洛夫 The Los Angeles Dodgers have appointed Chris Woodward as their new first base coach, replacing Clayton McCullough, who left to manage the Miami Marlins. Woodward以前在2016年至2018年期间为道奇队提供教练,最近曾担任高级顾问。 Woodward previously coached for the Dodgers from 2016 to 2018 and most recently served as a senior advisor. Brandon Gomes总经理强调了Woodward过去对团队成功所作的贡献。 General manager Brandon Gomes highlighted Woodward's past contributions to the team's success. 三垒教练Dino Ebel 将转向与场外人一起工作 Third base coach Dino Ebel will shift to working with outfielders.