健身经理被指控犯有性侵犯和敲诈勒索罪;先前因与未成年人发生猥亵行为而被定罪。 Fitness manager charged with sexual assault and extortion; previously convicted of lewd acts with a minor.
圣何塞YBX健身公司的经理特里斯坦·阿尔菲被指控犯有性攻击和勒索罪。 Tristan Arfi, the manager of YBX Fitness in San Jose, has been charged with sexual assault and extortion. Arfi先前因与未成年人的猥亵行为被定罪,被控对两名顾客进行性攻击,并勒索一名女雇员,除非她送裸照,否则扣发她的工资。 Arfi, previously convicted of lewd acts with a minor, is accused of sexually assaulting two customers and extorting a female employee by withholding her salary unless she sent nude photos. 据称,他向客户提供免费按摩,导致性行为不端。 He allegedly offered free massages to clients which led to sexual misconduct. Arfi的律师否认指控。 Arfi's lawyer denies the allegations. 当局怀疑可能有更多的受害者,并敦促任何有情报的人提出来。 Authorities suspect there may be more victims and urge anyone with information to come forward.