一名20岁的男子被控强奸、鸡奸和抢劫,罪名是袭击俄勒冈州Gresham的SPA工人。 A 20-year-old man is charged with rape, sodomy, and robbery after attacking spa workers in Gresham, Oregon.
一名20岁的男子哈比卜·哈比比·哈比比在俄勒冈州Gresham对温泉疗养工人进行两次暴力袭击后被逮捕并被指控犯有多项罪行,包括强奸、鸡奸和抢劫。 A 20-year-old man, Habib Habibi, has been arrested and charged with multiple offenses, including rape, sodomy, and robbery, following two violent attacks on spa workers in Gresham, Oregon. 这些袭击发生于11月13日和28日。 The attacks occurred on November 13 and 28. 警方利用监控录像查明了Habibi,并担心可能还有其他未报告的事件。 Police identified Habibi using surveillance footage and are concerned there may be other unreported incidents. 他们敦促任何有情报的人 与警探联系 They urge anyone with information to contact the detectives.