24岁的Ahmed Yaqoob因在纽约康科德对两名未成年人进行性攻击而面临指控。 Ahmed Yaqoob, 24, faces charges for sexually assaulting two minors in Concord, NY.
Ahmed Yaqoob,24岁,来自希腊,纽约,被控在Concord对两名12和14岁的未成年人进行性攻击。 Ahmed Yaqoob, 24, from Greece, NY, is accused of sexually assaulting two minors, aged 12 and 14, in Concord. 他面临指控,包括对一名13岁以下儿童的掠夺性性性攻击和多项强奸罪。 He faces charges including predatory sexual assault against a child under 13 and multiple counts of rape. 据称,Yaqoob在North Collins抓起女孩,带她们到一个偏远地区进行袭击。 Yaqoob allegedly picked up the girls in North Collins and took them to a remote area for the assaults. 他被逮捕,他的保释金定为25,000美元。 He was arrested and his bail was set at $25,000. 如果被定罪,他将面临至少10年到终身监禁。 If convicted, he faces a minimum of 10 years to life in prison. 多个执法机关参与了调查。 Multiple law enforcement agencies were involved in the investigation.