联合王国投资产业面临越来越大的性别差距,特别是在50岁以上的妇女中。 UK investment industry faces growing gender gap, especially among women over 50.
投资协会的年度《文化、人才和包容报告》强调,联合王国投资管理行业的性别差距日益扩大,特别是在50岁以上妇女中,她们仅占劳动力的8%。 The Investment Association's annual Culture, Talent and Inclusion Report highlights a growing gender gap in the UK investment management industry, particularly among women over 50, who make up only 8% of the workforce. 这一代表人数不足与护理责任的增加和更年期有关。 This underrepresentation is linked to increased care responsibilities and menopause. 虽然男女工资差距缩小了,但担任顶级薪酬职位的妇女人数仍然不足。 While the gender pay gap has narrowed, women are still underrepresented in top-paying roles. 敦促该行业理解为什么妇女,特别是30年代末到40年代末的妇女,要离开来改善更高层次的性别均衡。 The industry is urged to understand why women, especially in their late 30s to late 40s, are leaving to improve gender balance at higher levels.