嫌犯因8月25日在战溪枪击被捕 受害人住院 Suspect arrested for Aug. 25 shooting in Battle Creek; victim hospitalized.
一名嫌疑人因8月25日在战斗溪的克里夫和莫特街道地区发生的非致命枪击而被捕。 A suspect has been arrested for a non-fatal shooting that occurred on August 25 in the Cliff and Mott streets area of Battle Creek. 该名39岁的男性受害者在事件发生后住院治疗。 The 39-year-old male victim was hospitalized after the incident. 嫌犯被控蓄意杀人攻击,在中央街和谢尔曼路附近被拘押。 The suspect, charged with assault with intent to murder, was taken into custody near Central Street and Sherman Road. 警察正在要求公众协助调查。 Police are asking for public assistance in the investigation.