20 岁的少年在华盛顿州 Puyallup 因谋杀未遂而被捕,此前他在寻找前女友时开枪射杀了 19 岁。 20-year-old arrested for attempted murder in Puyallup, WA, after shooting 19-year-old while searching for ex-girlfriend.
一名20岁的男子在华盛顿Puyallup因企图谋杀而被捕,当时他在寻找前女友时枪杀了一名19岁的男子。 A 20-year-old man was arrested for attempted murder in Puyallup, Washington, after he shot a 19-year-old man while searching for his ex-girlfriend. 嫌犯敲了多次钟后从门中中枪 The suspect shot through the door after ringing the bell multiple times. 受害者受了无生命威胁的伤,并住院治疗。 The victim sustained a non-life-threatening wound and was hospitalized. 一架监视摄像头记录了这一事件。 The incident was recorded by a surveillance camera. 他被关押在Pierce县监狱,面临一级谋杀未遂和攻击指控。 He is being held at Pierce County Jail and faces charges of first-degree attempted murder and assault.