加拿大皇家骑警搜寻卡车司机Navjeet Singh,因坠机造成两人死亡和逃避逮捕而被通缉。 RCMP search for truck driver Navjeet Singh, wanted for two deaths in a crash and evading arrest.
马尼托巴皇家骑警正在寻找一名25岁的安大略卡车司机Navjeet Singh,因为他被指控在马尼托巴省Altona附近发生坠机事件后,对一辆机动车进行两起危险操作造成死亡的罪名和一起妨碍一名和平官员的罪名。 Manitoba RCMP are searching for Navjeet Singh, a 25-year-old Ontario truck driver, after he was charged with two counts of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death and one count of obstructing a peace officer following a crash near Altona, Manitoba. 这一事件导致一名35岁的妇女及其8岁的女儿死亡。 The incident resulted in the deaths of a 35-year-old woman and her 8-year-old daughter. Singh逃避了抓捕,加拿大皇家骑警签发了全加拿大的逮捕令。 Singh has evaded capture, and the RCMP has issued a Canada-wide arrest warrant. 当局正在呼吁公众提供关于他下落的任何信息。 Authorities are appealing to the public for any information on his whereabouts.