48岁的卡车司机Balwinder Dhaliwal被控在安大略Napanee401号公路上走错车道危险驾驶。 48-year-old truck driver Balwinder Dhaliwal charged with dangerous driving for traveling in wrong lanes on Highway 401 in Napanee, Ontario.
来自布兰普顿的 48 岁卡车司机 Balwinder Dhaliwal 在安大略省纳潘尼的 401 号高速公路西行车道上被看到他的运输卡车向东行驶后,他面临危险驾驶指控。 Balwinder Dhaliwal, a 48-year-old truck driver from Brampton, faces dangerous driving charges after his transport truck was seen traveling eastbound in the westbound lanes of Highway 401 in Napanee, Ontario. 这一事件发生在星期一晚上,导致多份报告提交安大略省警察局(OPP)。 The incident occurred on Monday evening, prompting multiple reports to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). Dhaliwal被捕,但获释,定于2024年11月19日出庭。 Dhaliwal was arrested but released and is set to appear in court on November 19, 2024.