Stunt司机在401号公路坠毁后被捕,导致追击和多重指控。 Stunt driver arrested after crash on Highway 401, leading to pursuit and multiple charges.
一名来自安大略Long Saort的29岁的特技驾驶员,名叫Raphael Cote, 12月13日在401号公路发生碰撞后被捕。 A 29-year-old stunt driver from Long Sault, Ontario, named Raphael Cote, was arrested after a December 13 collision on Highway 401. 科特驾驶向西行驶,撞上多辆汽车,拒绝停车,导致警察追赶两个分遣队和一架直升机。 Cote, driving westbound, struck multiple vehicles and refused to stop, leading to a police pursuit involving two detachments and a helicopter. 他进入停车场后被抓获。 He was apprehended after entering a parking lot. 科特面临的指控包括危险操作、粗心驾驶和逃避警察,定于 1 月和 2 月出庭。 Cote faces charges including dangerous operation, careless driving, and flight from a police officer, with court appearances scheduled for January and February.