Ray Richardson在九个月中损失了10块以上的石块 通过一个足球项目 和更健康的饮食。 Ray Richardson lost over 10 stone in nine months through a football program and healthier eating.
Ray Richardson, 一位34岁的建筑工, 在九个月中损失了十多块石块, 参加一个以足球为基础的减肥计划, Man v Fat, Ray Richardson, a 34-year-old builder, lost over 10 stone in nine months by joining a football-based weight loss program, Man v Fat, and switching from takeaways to healthier ready meals. 理查森在努力解决生育问题和膝盖受伤问题,通过舒适的饮食,其体重已大增。 Struggling with fertility issues and knee injuries, Richardson had gained significant weight through comfort eating. 在该方案的支持和减少卡路里饮食的情况下,他现在重14石7磅,体重略超重26.2磅。 With support from the program and a reduced-calorie diet, he now weighs 14 stone 7 pounds and has a slightly overweight BMI of 26.2.